We can be reached at (937) 324-0657. Available phone extensions for our staff are listed by their name and title below.
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Have something you think we’d be interested in?
Get in touch with our curatorial team with our “Donate an Artifact” form.
Jane Fischer | Executive Director | ext. 242 |
Eliza Wise | Director of Finance & Operations | ext. 221 |
Donna Lewis | Education & Volunteer Director | ext. 225 |
Kasey Eichensehr | Curator | ext. 227 |
Natalie Fritz | Archivist and Outreach Director | ext. 234 |
Tyler Elam | Assistant Archivist | ext. 224 |
Kelly Pilarsky | Registrar | ext. 224 |
Miranda Taylor | Collections Manager | ext. 224 |
John Stokes | Building Maintenance |
General Inquiries
Board of Trustees
Connie Koehler— President
Mary Latham – Vice President
Mark Beckdahl – Treasurer
Lori Clark – Secretary
Jim Arter
Becky Bostick
Kenneth Elder
Dick Hines
Larry Marple
Christian Raffensperger
Eric Turner
Heather Turner
Kaitlyn Tyler
Phil Wisecup