Today is August 11, 1988, and we are at Jim the Hatter and Sons. The person we are about to interview is George Staphopoulos. The two interviewers today are Mrs. Jane Warbington and Carol Gabriel from the Historical Society.
This Walt Kendig speaking. This is Tuesday, November 6th, 1990. I’m sitting in my family room at my residence at 2360 Signal Road, Springfield, Ohio. I have with me two colleagues from the International Harvester Co., Glen Swan and Carl Alexander. I’ve asked these two men to join with me today to discuss the history of the labor/management relations
Michelle McConnaha, October 29, 1990, International Harvester.
Interview by Roland Matthies with Jim Mills of Brain Lumber Company, formerly its president and now semiretired. Interview done to determine the history and the implications of the Brain Lumber Company in the business life of Clark County and particularly Springfield, Ohio. Interview conducted on August 24, 1993.
This is an interview by Roland Matthies of William Buscemi, who is a professor of Political Science at Wittenberg and is now just approaching retirement, so he has had a long term of service. I want to learn about his life and about his impressions of this community then, now, and his predictions for the future.
This is an interview for the Clark County Historical Society made by Roland Matthies with Norm Carey as the interviewee. The date is September 17, 1999. As with the other interviews, this is for the permanent archives of the Society. Click here for part 1
This is an interview for the Clark County Historical Society made by Roland Matthies with Norm Carey as the interviewee. The date is September 17, 1999. As with the other interviews, this is for the permanent archives of the Society. Click here for part 2
Musicians. Dec 31, 1988. New Year’s Eve 1988 at the Cooks’ house. We are listening to good great jazz and we will be talking about the olden days in Clark County jazz. We are sitting around the table and I want each of you to say who you are in more than one word.
This is July 2, 2001. We are in the home of Mrs. Richard Brown (Pat), a member of the Board of the Clark County Historical Society. This interview will become part of the archives of the Historical Society. This is Roland Matthies speaking. I turn now to Mrs. Brown and let her tell us about her personal history.