The date is August 21, 1992, and this is the tape of an interview by Roland Matthies on behalf of the Clark County Historical Society. The person being interviewed is John Detrick, President of Springfield Tire and Battery Company located on West Main Street in Springfield.
Erica 12. 10-17-90. Transcriber. Person being interviewed: George E. Detrick Tremont City, Ohio. Long time associate of Schmidt’s Drugs Incorporated. 63 West. Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. Interviewer: George M. McCann pharmacist who practiced pharmacy at Firewood McCann Pharmacy at 50 West High Street, Springfield, Ohio. From 1947-1987.
Detling Interview 4/28/89. Were in the dining room of Judge Glen Detling in Westchester Parkin Springfield.
This is an interview by Roland Matthies on January 31, 1995, with Carl Bohn of the Delscamp Paint and Glass Company located on West High Street in Springfield. It is being made for the Clark County Historical Society as we develop our portfolio of interviews with various business owners in Clark County.
Interview by Roland Matthies for Oral History Committee of the Clark County Historical Society, August 14, 1992, with the Oakwood Village Activities Director Pat Day and her husband.
Corley 4/25/88 (or maybe ’89) Betty Nightingale’s transcription (Interviewer sounds like Carol. She does not introduce herself.)
This is an interview by Roland Matthies for the Clark County Historical Society on November 5, 1996–election day–and the interviewee is Pat Brown who is the tour director of the Elderly United organization here in Springfield. I’ve had the pleasure of being on tours with this young lady, and she has quickly won the admiration of myself and my
Mary Cook interviews Jane and Halsey Bosart on May 21, 1988. The subject is their long term involvement with businesses and with Springfield.
This is an interview for the Clark County Historical Society on August 13, 1996, by Roland Matthies. I am interviewing Neal Bonn who will explain the various enterprises in which he and his family have been and are engaged.
Interview of Don Bishop concerning his career in the banking and finance business conducted by Roland Matthies on August 8, 1990.